- People also live in these places, and harvest marine organisms for their livelihoods. The complex question arises: How to balance marine biodiversity conservation and local fishery activities? 390.7 Kb. 3read Unep/cbd/mcb/EM/2014/4/inf/1 12 August 2014 Expert workshop to provide consolidated practical guidance and a toolkit for marine spatial planning 102.92 Kb. 1read Handbook on oil impact assessment Axiak V. 1979. Turning the Blue into Black: The Mediterranean Oil Pollution Problem. Hyphen 5: 1-5 143.93 Kb. 1read Module 11 marine protected areas Give Learners practice reading and analysing protected areas legal provisions for mpas 1.25 Mb. 1read Towards a framework for the quantitative assessment of trawling impact on the seabed and benthic ecosystem Rijnsdorp A. D. 1, Bastardie F. 2, Bolam S. G. 3, Buhl-Mortensen L. 4, Eigaard O. R. 2, Hamon K. G. 5, Hiddink J. G. 6, Hintzen N. T. 1, Ivanović A. 7, Kenny A. 3, Laffargue P. 8, Nielsen R. N. 2, O’Neill F 349.68 Kb. 4read
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